December 30, 2011
December 29, 2011
December 23, 2011
October 25, 2011
October 04, 2011
September 01, 2011
The Goddess Athena
Daughter of Zeus, and only by him, the Goddess Athena was not generated by any woman. She leaped from the head of Zeus, already adult, dressed with her armor.
But the mother is not completely missing from the miraculous birth of Pallas Athena. According to Hesiod's account of the weddings of Zeus, the King of the Gods chose Metis as his first wife. She was of all beings "the most knowing" (as the word metis is interpreted), or "of many counsels" as translated in the sense of the Homeric epithet polymetis.
As she was about to give birth to the Goddess Athena, Zeus deceived his pregnant wife with cunning words and assimilated her into his own body. Mother Earth and Father Sky had advised him to do this so as to prevent any of his descendants from robbing him of his kingly rank. For it was destined that the most brilliant children were to be born to the Goddess Metis: first, the daughter Athena, and later a son, the future King of Gods and men
June 13, 2011
Parthenon Marbles: Story of theft
This is the meaning of the Greek treasures that were violently torn from the temple’s frieze by workers of Lord Elgin in 1802 when Greece was under Turkish occupation. The story of how these marbles were finally placed in the British Museum is long and painful. Even a short report suffices to show how they got there.
June 08, 2011
Cora Sun-Drop
The Cora Sun-Drop is among the most stunning diamonds in the world, so rare that it is almost impossibe to determine its value. Which is why no-one has even tried.
No wonder model Jerry Hall was bedazzled by the gem today as it arrived at London's Natural History Museum where it is to be displayed in The Vault.
At 110-carats, the Cora Sun-Drop is roughly the size of a woman's thumb and is largest vivid yellow pear-shaped diamond known in the world.
It has been lent to the museum by leading US diamond manufacturer Cora International for display to visitors for a limited time from tomorrow.
Its unusual yellow colour stems from the very small percentage of nitrogen within the carbon structure of the stone.
April 29, 2011
Πqara Love
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2. Герохристо (Gerochristo)
Свадебные подарки. Любимые украшения
8 April 2011 Комментарии (4)
Свадьба, торжества, роскошные одежды, красивые авто, искрящееся шампанское, благоуханные цветы и вихрь счастливых эмоций. Все это дает нам хороший повод поговорить о волшебных дарах – ювелирных украшениях, связанных и не связанных со свадьбами. Кольцо на помолвку, обручальные кольца, украшения невесты, украшения для свадебной вечеринки, а еще мальчишник, девичник и мало ли что, например долгая и счастливая жизнь в браке. Так что простор для применения ювелирных украшений довольно велик.
Дизайнеров и ювелирных домов в мире тоже немало. Есть целые государства – ювелирные дома. Поэтому проблема выбора в нашем обществе грядущего киберпанка давно уже стоит весьма остро. У всех свои предпочтения, влечения и восторги.
Тот, чья генетическая память хранит воспоминания о сказочной, потрясающей воображение роскоши великой Византии, окажется не в состоянии воспротивиться магии Герохристо. Воскрешая давно ушедшие эпохи, этот замечательный ювелир создает свои уникальные творения, не повторяя, но переосмысливая и переписывая историю мировой гармонии.
Сочетание серебра и золота, прекрасные голубые топазы, нежные розовые турмалины, жемчуг и греческая духовная традиция – вот основа, на которой зиждется могущество Gerochristo, заключающее в рабство всех, кто единожды прикоснулся к его творениям.
February 22, 2011
February 03, 2011
Acropolis Museum
The Gallery of the Slopes of the Acropolis
In the centre of the Parthenon Gallery on the 3rd floor
The monuments of the Acropolis have withstood the ravages of past centuries, both of ancient times and those of the Middle Ages. Until the 17th century, foreign travellers visiting the monuments depicted the classical buildings as being intact. This remained the case until the middle of the same century, when the Propylaia was blown up while being used as a gunpowder store. Thirty years later, the Ottoman occupiers dismantled the neighbouring Temple of Athena Nike to use its materials to strengthen the fortification of the Acropolis. The most fatal year, however, for the Acropolis, was 1687, when many of the building’s architectural members were blown into the air and fell in heaps around the Hill of the Acropolis, caused by a bomb from the Venetian forces. Foreign visitors to the Acropolis would search through the rubble and take fragments of the fallen sculptures as their souvenirs. It was in the 19th century that Lord Elgin removed intact architectural sculptures from the frieze, the metopes and the pediments of the building
January 26, 2011
January 17, 2011
Parthenon Marbles: Taking up the fight
Greek calls for the UK to return the Parthenon Marbles, nearly 200 years after they were removed from the Acropolis and shipped to London, have a new advocate leading the battle in the UK.
Former MP Eddie O'Hara, the new chairman of the British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles (BCRPM), has told the BBC News website he is optimistic the campaign for the British Museum to return the sculptures, also known as the Elgin Marbles, will succeed.However a spokesman for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport said government policy remained unchanged, and that there were no plans to return the Marbles to Greece.
As a Labour MP from 1990 to 2010, Mr O'Hara was the "anchor man" for the BCRPM in Parliament.
"We did have a number of more or less fruitful meetings with ministers," he says. "Certainly under the Labour government there were a number of ministers who were hugely sympathetic."
January 11, 2011
Jewellery Shows
Jewellery Shows 2011/01/14-17
Lauriou 301 Paiania
Athens Greece
Gerochristo Jewelry
Vasilis Giampouras
January 05, 2011
Visenzaoro First january 2011 15-20
Stand 765 Gerochristo - Giampouras
January 04, 2011
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